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Dear Motorhead:

In the Fall 2011 edition of Dirt Trax Magazine you missed the mark on page 40 in describing the Arctic Cat XC450i as the replacement for the 300 DVX. In actuality the CX450i replaces the 400 DVX.

There still exists a 300 DVX for 2011 as I own one which I purchased in June 2011. While I debated purchasing its Kymco sibling brother (the Mongoose 300 which you cover on page 41) I went with the Arctic Cat based upon some reliability issues I was informed about with the Kymco. Upon closer examination the engine on the Arctic Cat is labelled as a Kymco engine.

I knew this going in from reading an article in another ATV mag but don’t understand it. Why just rebadge someone else’s product and call it your own?

If you have already covered this in an edition of your mag or tv show let me know the edition and I’ll purchase a copy.

Keep up the great work on both the mag and TV show.


Dear John:

Thanks for your email!

Sorry for the confusion! Arctic Cat is no longer fractionally owned by Suzuki so you’re right the 400 DVX – a rebaged Suzuki QR 400 – will no longer be built for them.

It appears Kymco is providing not only complete vehicles like the 450 XCi and the 300 you’ve purchased but they are also building motors – particularly the 450 engine used in the XCi and the 450 IRS domestic chassis.

This is not an uncommon situation in the powersports industry as OEM’s look for ways to control costs using off shore vendors.

Truth be told, it is now known some prominent Japanese brands have for many years used off shore Taiwanese builders for major components all the while having us think they were completely built in Japan.

You’ve more or less answered your own question however, I wouldn’t be too concerned about your new ride. Arctic Cat has high standards for the Kymco components and vehicles they sell and Kymco is an exceptionally credibly OE themselves.


Motorhead Mark

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