Recently IÂ’ve been thinking about starting a new trail club to maintain the local OHV trails in my riding area.
The local clubs in the south have been around for a long time and do a lot of great work, but the active members are fewer than ever now and I just wonder where theyÂ’ve all gone.
Keeping a good trail system alive is most definitely a task that requires a lot of work and dedication. Is the new, younger generation taking the trail systems for granted?
Older generations seem to understand the importance of volunteering at the club level. However this same pride has not carried into this next age group.
Starting a club can be done relatively easily, but how do you get people to join? Its unreasonable to think youÂ’ll get a free ATV with every membership and at times the incentives may not match the amount of work expected from each member.
So how can we make this younger generation understand that if they want a place to ride they will have to contribute to making it happen and to maintaining it?
Grants are available to subsidize trail maintenance and companies like Yamaha and Polaris as well as other have donated millions of dollars to make the bitter taste of hard work just a little bit sweeter.
Unfortunately, this doesnÂ’t get people out of bed on Saturday ready to work when all they want to do is play. It has to start somewhere though and sadly itÂ’s unclear at this point where that is.