ATVSI Selects Winners of Video Contest

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Creative, cash winning kids from coast to coast are getting their videos on safe and responsible ATV riding posted online as public service announcements by the ATV Safety Institute, MSF’s DirtBike SchoolSM and the Right Rider Access Fund.

A judging panel from ASI, Right Rider Access Fund and the National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council (NOHVCC) selected the winners among dozens of entries from young enthusiasts nationwide, all aiming to highlight ASI’s Golden Rules of ATV Safety or the MSF DirtBike School’s Dirt Bike Riding Tips.

David Atkins, an 18-year old from Edmond, Oklahoma, won the grand prize of $2,500, while his fellow 4-H Club member Elizabeth Klumpp, 13, won the first place prize in the 11-14 age category.

“This is the first video contest I’ve ever won so I am very excited!” said David Atkins. “In Oklahoma, we’ve had several young people suffer traumatic brain injuries because they were not wearing helmets when they had accidents. I hope my PSA will help both youth and adults better understand the importance of always wearing proper riding gear while operating ATVs.”

The “Do the Ride Thing” contest has three age categories and two product categories (ATV and Dirt Bike) along with a grand prize. The winning videos can be viewed here.

“ASI urges all kids who ride off-highway to follow the Golden Rules of ATV Safety and the Dirt Bike Riding Tips, but that message can have a much greater impact when spoken by another kid,” said Paul Vitrano, executive vice president, ASI. “The ‘Do The Ride Thing’ contest allows us to draw attention to safe ATV and dirt bike practices and teaches young riders and their parents how important it is to always ride safe/ride smart. ASI encourages trade and enthusiast media, manufacturers, distributors, retailers and youth organizations to post winning videos on their websites to help promote these important safety messages.”

“Do the Ride Thing” Video Contest winners for the summer of 2012 are:

Grand Prize

– $2,500 Grand Prize Winner – David Atkins of Edmond, Oklahoma

Ages 6-10, ATV

– $500 First Place Winner – Jordan Smith of Tulsa, Oklahoma
– $300 Second Place Winner – Jade and Caleb Dillenbeck of Tully, New York

Dirt Bike

– $500 First Place Winner – Melody Sanders of Tulsa, Oklahoma

Ages 11-14, ATV

– $500 First Place Winner – Elizabeth Klumpp of Edmond, Oklahoma
– $300 Second Place Winner – Randy and David Clapp of Cumming, Georgia
– $200 Third Place Winner – Jacob Sestak of Prague, Oklahoma

Ages 15-18, ATV

– $500 First Place Winner – Eric Beets and Brian Freiesleben of Burlingtion, WI
– $300 Second Place Winner – Patrick Schrank of Norman, Oklahoma
– $200 Third Place Winner – Tanner Shelton of Pleasant View, Utah

Dirt Bike

– $500 First Place Winner – Stephen Nymberg of Huntersville, North Carolina

The associations designed the contest (which ran from June 1 to August 15) to inform and motivate kids and their parents on the responsible use of ATVs and Dirt Bikes, while spreading the message to other young riders.

Every entry took a unique approach to demonstrate safe riding practices, but each video highlighted one or more of ASI’s Golden Rules of ATV Safety or one or more of the MSF’s Dirt Bike Riding Tips.

The “Do the Ride Thing” Video Contest is sponsored by the ATV Safety Institute, the MSF DirtBike School and the Right Rider Access Fund.

The ATV Safety Institute develops rider training programs and promotes the safe and responsible use of ATVs. The ASI works to reduce crashes and injuries resulting from improper ATV use. Formed in 1988, the ASI is a not-for-profit division of the Specialty Vehicle Institute of America.

Since 1973, the Motorcycle Safety Foundation has set internationally recognized standards that promote the safety of motorcyclists with rider education courses, operator licensing tests and public information programs.

The Right Rider Access Fund is a charitable, community benefit organization created in 2011 to support off-highway vehicle enthusiasts directly by supplementing the work of the Motorcycle Industry Council, the Specialty Vehicle Institute of America and the Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Association and in other ways.

For safety information or to enroll in the ATV RiderCourse nearest you, visit or call (800) 887-2887.

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