Weak Shocks On My 500 Arctic Cat

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I have just bought an Arctic Cat ( 500 auto ) ridden by a 78 year old man for the last 5 years. The shocks seem too weak on hills and it seems to want to rollover.

No fluid leaks on the shocks, but do you think they are worn out or is this normal? Also, do you think it could be the fact that I’m just a big guy at 260 pounds? Should i invest the cash or not would it make a difference?




Thanks for your email!

I would offer you these suggestions regarding the roll-over feel you have in turns.

First, AC ATV’s of the vintage you own (I suspect you have a 1999 to 2001 model year unit) were known for a slightly rolly cornering posture.

Second, you are a big drink of water. Bump up the snail-cam spring pre-load collars on the front shocks to the highest setting and see if this helps.

Failing that, I would replace both front shocks and coil over springs with new units to ensure you’re getting all the spring rate and damping force they were designed to deliver.

Motorhead Mark

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