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Competitors in this season’s Grand National Cross Country Series will be getting the full support of ITP with the return of the “XC Bucks” contingency program for 2011.

“XC Bucks” are being offered to the top three finishers in virtually every class at every round of the 2011 GNCC Series, and are redeemable at full face value toward the purchase of tires directly from ITP.

Get started on collecting “XC Bucks” by filling out just one “XC Bucks” form for the entire season (available at the track, from the ITP website or ITP Customer Service).

Then mount up a set of ITP tires on all four wheels and stick some ITP decals on your quad’s bodywork. Visit the ITP trackside support representative at the race venue for a quick tech inspection, and you’re on your way. Good luck!

“XC Bucks” represents the final announcement of ITP’s racing contingency programs for 2011 (including “MX Bucks” and “WORCS Bucks”). ITP has significantly increased ATV MX and GNCC payout postings, and winning racers will be happy to know that products will be shipped to them free of charge.

ITP contingency recipients will also appreciate not receiving IRS 1099 tax statements, since payouts come in the form of new tires instead of cash.

For more information, contact ITP Customer Support at:

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